Jestem raczej spokojną dziewczyną, typem domowniczki. Ale oczywiście jak każdy tutaj, mam swoje potrzeby i tego właśnie tutaj szukam.
Age | 34 |
Height | 167 |
Hair Color | Blonde |
Eyes | Brown |
Ethnicity | European (White) |
Smoker | For the Company |
Enjoys | Escorts who enjoy 69, Escorts who enjoy Anal, Escorts who enjoy Massage, Escorts who enjoy Oral Sex, Escorts who enjoy Romantic |
City | Poznan |
Age | 34 |
Height | 167 |
Hair Color | Blonde |
Eyes | Brown |
Ethnicity | European (White) |
Smoker | For the Company |
Enjoys | Escorts who enjoy 69, Escorts who enjoy Anal, Escorts who enjoy Massage, Escorts who enjoy Oral Sex, Escorts who enjoy Romantic |
City | Poznan |